Nordic runes - the runes of the Elder Futhark - compromise a potent and profoundly transformative divination system that gives us access to the ancient wisdom tradition of Northern European cultures. These runes have deep resonances within the Northern pagan world of gods and goddesses, giants, dwarves, warriors, and wizards, which have greatly influenced the work of J.R.R. Tolkien, among others.
Nordic Runes addresses three major areas:
Runelore, the history and rich mythological tradition of this ancient oracle first discovered by the "All Father," Odin.
Runestaves, which includes full explanation of the meanings of the 24 runes in the Elder Futhark, accompanying visualizations, and practical lessons for daily life.
Runecasting, a comprehensive guide to the oracular application of the ancient runes, including their crafting, their use in divination, and interpretations of sample castings.
As Nordic Runes shows, the runes do much more than simply reflect fate; they help develop and enhance intuition and open new paths of growth, self-discovery, and transformation.