A World of Wonder Awaits You...

Inside Purple Door Membership

Inside Purple Door Membership

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This is the picture my daughter created for me when I talked about opening Purple Door....I had no idea what it would become. How Purple Door would grow and change and help so many people, myself included.  

Purple Door came to me in a dream, when I was going through a challenging period of destruction and transformation.  I opened Purple Door not knowing where it would take me, or even how it would look.  I trusted that both Purple Door and I would transform and grow into what we were meant to be.  We did. 

 Then as we faced a pandemic,  Purple Door and I would grow and transform yet again....I had  nudges, hints and messages for quite a long time...but I was occupied by life.

Then  I received a larger nudge (it knocked me over...) and I decided I need  jump into this transformation process with Purple Door fully.  This really began for me during my Tower moment, the time I spent being hunted, attacked and harassed in a witch hunt...between 2015 and 2016.  

While I was going through the experience of being hunted as a witch, I was reaching out to anyone and everyone for help.  Help to protect myself, help to figure out why, help to get myself out of this situation...I found it was so hard to:


  1. reach out for help - being vulnerable with people was already so hard...
  2.  find help I could afford, which made me feel even worse about my situation,
  3.  find something that would support me through the whole process of transformation,
  4. feel worthy of help,
  5.  trust myself again.


Since we've moved online, during covid (don't worry, we're looking for a new physical space too!), Purple Door and I  have missed the healing, classes and workshops....much like my dream of discovering the name for Purple Door...I had a dream of where Purple Door wants to be now. 


A place of Healing, learning and growing.  A safe space for exploring your interests.  An online  community.  Where I can teach people how to heal, guide them through the process and offer the support needed when you're working not just through your "tower" or shadow periods, but for intentional, meaningful personal growth too.


So, I created Inside Purple Door, a membership program where I will share all of my skills, knowledge, gifts and love.  Each month I will host a Masterclass, a Mediation, a workbook and a live Q&A.   I will also have guest Healers, Readers and Mediums on to help us all transform our lives, starting naturally - with ourselves. 


I'm super excited about the possibilities of creating an online community, to grow with, learn and  support one another through the journey of change. 


For those that don't know me, my name is Elizabeth Moore, I'm the owner of Purple Door and I'm also a Life Coach, Mindfulness Teacher and Energy Healer.  My intention with this membership is to offer the programs in a way that you can work through them in a self study manner, offering support and guidance on your path.  



I am here to teach You to:

  1. create the life they want,
  2. to make the changes they know they need to make, and
  3. to support them with tools, friendship and help.

Help I was afraid to ask for, help I didn't think I was worthy of receiving...help to make the choices that will grow your soul and change your life.  If you're ready to get started, message me for the details.

I teach women how to make the changes to their lives, that they want, in an easy process-while being supported and celebrated.